


At this age parents generally prefer to provide all of their child’s food, but St. Olaf Childcare Center does provide snacks for children in the infant program. If you choose to have your child eat our snacks they include infant appropriate snacks such as Gerber Puffs.


Parents provide lunches for children in our infant program. Our hot lunch program is not available for our infants.



St. Olaf Childcare Center provides 1 morning snack and 1 afternoon snack each day. Each snack consists of 2 food groups. Snacks include items such as tangerines, cheese, crackers, 100% juice and milk. Children who attend our half day program get a morning snack, children who attend our full day program get a morning and an afternoon snack.


We also have a hot lunch program that is prepared in house daily. Hot lunches are $5 per day. If you do not purchase a hot lunch for your child you must provide a lunch for your child that they can manage on their own. We will help open packages/containers and put straws in drinks but they must be able to feed it to themselves. We do not refrigerate or heat up food that is brought from home.