

St. Olaf Childcare Center, through its staff, is committed to the needs and concerns of every parent/guardian. We believe that building a relationship with you is one of the very best ways for you to stay connected to us and what your child is learning.

Our teachers and center staff like to develop strong partnerships with families, especially in those first few months when everyone is getting used to a new routine and new friends.

The more communication the better: No question is too small, so don’t hesitate to bring it up! Our teachers and center staff are here to help families navigate a variety of issues, including behavioral concerns, transition difficulties, and social and emotional changes. We believe that teachers, parents/guardians, and children working together are a winning combination.

We know that every child is unique and deserves a unique education. Our highly qualified teachers and staff guide the way for your child to become independent while making good choices. We strive to ensure that your children will be introduced to every aspect of learning in their formative years, so they're prepared for the future.

We take great pride and responsibility to keep safe, educate and nurture the children within our care. We strive to be a top leader in quality childcare and invite you to stop by to meet us! We would love to have your family join us!